Freelance Technical Direction Services
for Theater and other Performing Arts
Robyn Osiecki
Middlesex, Vermont
text: 802-552-0589*
20 years of clients include:
Norwich University
Lost Nation Theater
Montpelier Chamber Orchestra
Barre Opera House
City of Montpelier
City Hall Auditorium Arts Center
Green Mountain Film Festival
First Night Montpelier
K-12 Schools (including U-32, Montpelier, Lamoille Union)
Youth Theater Labs/Camps for Barre Opera House and Lost Nation Theater
The Summit School
Champlain College
The Flynn Space
Dark Star Productions
Onion River Arts Council
and many smaller projects around Vermont
My tech website started as in 2002 and now redirects here. You can still reach me via ye olde domain through
Current and past projects blog:
Much of what I do professionally falls between and within the world of Makers. If you are looking for a more makerly bent on the breadth of my projects, head over to our sister site
* service being what it is in Vermont, texting is the best way to get hold of me via cell. If you do call and get shuttled to voicemail, please leave a message. I will get back to you when I return to a service area.